Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reasonable profits board

  I have recently been informed that the President wants to start a board that would examine the profits businesses and corporations and determine whether or not it has made too much money. How absurd is that? Why should anyone have the ability to tell anyone else that they make too much? How will they determine what constitutes a reasonable profit? Will they look at profit margins? Will they take into consideration operating costs? Rainy day savings? Future expansion?
  Without profit business doesn't grow or expand. Profits are saved and used to cushion lean years when profits are less than expected and are needed to make up the difference. Without those profits, businesses don't expand and hire new employees, raises and bonuses don't come.
  Most of us know that this kind of "plan" is not really about fairness in income (which is a fallacy in itself). It's about bringing the wealthy down to everyone else's level which is straight out of the communist playbook. It's also short sighted. When you remove the incentive for hard work, you in turn remove the hard work. Fewer businesses will start, fewer jobs will be created. The poor will get even poorer and the playing field will be more level with everyone being closer to poverty, not wealth.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


  This year will decide the future of this country. We will hold an election that will likely be one of the most important, if not the most important, in our nations history. What I'm about to say is not meant to be inflammatory, it is my honest opinion. President Obama is a socialist to put it mildly. He was raised by people who were openly communists, by his own admission he was drawn to Marxists and Marxist groups. His actions as President confirm my assertions.
  He started his presidency by forcing banks and businesses to take government money rather than relying on the free markets to decide their fate. Then, he forced a government run health care system on us all that is designed to drive health insurance companies out of business and force us all into the government plan. He himself has said that he wants a single payer system, which means the government controls it all.
 He has spent more of our money than all of the presidents from Washington to Bush 41 combined.
 Recently, he has made recess appointments when congress was not in recess!
 He describes our constitution as one of "negative liberties" as if that were a bad thing. If you don't understand what that means, negative liberties are things that the federal government can not do to or for you. Those "negative liberties" are what protects us from a tyrannical government and gives us our freedoms. When you start granting the government the power to do for you, you also grant them the power to do "to you" which necessarily removes freedom.
 All of this and more were done in his FIRST TERM!
 If Obama wins re-election he will take this country down a path to socialism that we may not recover from. He has demonstrated disdain for the constitution already, so there is no reason to think that he will honor it in his second and final term. If it is his final term, then he can do what he wants with no regard to re-election possibilities and therefore will have no reason to not do whatever he can to prevent the next election.
 I will be the first to say that the alternatives are not great. The Republicans have offered us a lackluster group of candidates at best. The best candidate we had was Cain, who the media successfully (with the help of economically desperate women) ran out of the race.
 As I see it, there are two options: Romney and Gingrich. Romney has the background to be able to lead this country economically, but for those of us who are socially conservative, he is a big risk. Gingrich has the intellect, experience and background to be a great president, but he also has a perceived attitude problem that could hinder his electability. That shouldn't be a problem, but too many people don't pay attention to anything beyond aesthetics and American Idol.
 I personally will vote for Gingrich in the primary, but for the sake of my country and my children's freedom (not their wallet) I will vote for whoever wins for the Republicans.
 As this is my first political post, let me make it clear, I do not consider myself a Republican, I consider myself a Constitutional Conservative. I believe the founding fathers got it right the first time.

 OK now, let me have it!